
Are you passionate about helping others learn and grow? Join our team of tutors at Academic Bee's and make a difference in your community!

Our Students Need Dedicated Tutors!

We are looking for passionate and dedicated tutors to join our team. Our tutors are the heart of our business and are integral to our success. We are dedicated to providing high-quality tutoring services and strive to create a supportive and inspiring environment for our tutors.

As a tutor with Academic Bee's, you will have the opportunity to work with students of all ages (K-12) and backgrounds. You will have the chance to mentor and guide them, helping them reach their academic goals. You will also have the opportunity to create and develop lesson plans, evaluate student progress, and provide feedback to both students and parents.

We are looking for tutors who are knowledgeable, have excellent communication skills, and have a passion for teaching and learning. If you have a positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to providing quality tutoring services, we’d love to hear from you.

If this sounds like the perfect opportunity for you, please submit your resume and a cover letter to us at We look forward to hearing from you!